Both food products intended for human consumption and materials and objects intended to be in contact with such products.


We offer the sanitary storage service and it is registered and authorized in the Registre Sanitari d’Indústries i Productes Alimentaris (RSIPAC 40.08155/CAT) with number of General Sanitary Registry of Food and Food Companies (RGSEAA 40.23201/.B). This procedure is mandatory for those companies and food establishments in Catalonia that are dedicated to the production, transformation, preparation, packaging, storage, distribution, transport and import of:

  1. Sanitary storage of food and food products intended for human consumption.
  2. Storage of materials and objects intended to be in contact with said products.

Our facility is designed to, through resources air cooling technicians, maintain the space at a temperature of between 0 and 30ºC, thus ensuring the perfect storage of products

Advantages of Storing Health and Food Products with us


Rigorous monitoring of business processes improves the quality of work and customer satisfaction.


Cleaning improves the health and safety of employees and the quality of products.


Investment enables business growth, process improvement and constant innovation.

IFS Logistics

We have the IFS Logistics standard that evaluates the quality and safety of our activities.

Sanitary product storage regulations

In Spain, the regulations for the storage of medical devices are regulated by Royal Decree 1591/2009, of October 16., by which sanitary products are regulated. This Royal Decree establishes the necessary requirements for the marketing, commissioning and control of medical devices.

Some of the main standards that must be met in Spain for the storage of medical devices are:

  1. Identification and classification of medical devices according to their type and their danger.
  2. Storage in specific premises, separated from other incompatible products and provided with adequate ventilation systems.
  3. Use of approved containers and packaging suitable for the product stored, with the corresponding labeling.
  4. Have fire protection systems, such as fire extinguishers or fire detection systems.
  5. The personnel that handles medical devices must be trained and qualified for their correct handling and storage.
  6. Carry out periodic inspections of installations and equipment, and perform adequate maintenance.