LDH Chemical Logistics

Equity policy

Establish an equity policy that promotes equal opportunities, fairness and respect in all business practices. Its scope of application is all employees, managers and partners of LDH.

Commitment LDH is committed to treating all employees and partners fairly, without discrimination on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other factor. Legal Compliance, Comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to equality and non-discrimination.

Compliance with requirements

  • Recruitment and Selection, Fair Procedures: Implement recruitment and selection procedures that guarantee equal opportunities for all candidates. Staff Training, Train hiring managers in equity and non-discrimination practices.
  • Development and Evaluation, Professional Development: Offer equal development and training opportunities for all employees. Fair Evaluation, ensure that performance evaluations are fair and based on objective criteria.
  • Working Conditions, Salaries and Benefits: Provide a salary and benefits structure that is fair and equitable. Work Environment: Foster an inclusive work environment free of harassment and discrimination.
  • Fair Trade: Including fair trade could extend LDH’s commitment beyond employees, extending to relationships with suppliers and customers, ensuring that business transactions are fair and respectful of human and labour rights throughout the value chain.

Accountability and Oversight
LDH Appoints a Corporate Fairness Officer to oversee the implementation of this policy. Grievance Mechanisms: Establish procedures for the filing and resolution of fairness-related complaints.

This policy should be part of a comprehensive approach that promotes fairness in all aspects of LDH and complies with legal standards.

Rubén García


Date: May 3, 2024